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02/14/15 04:54 PM #62    

Patricia Cruickshanks

I would like for the 45th Reunion to be held on Saturday, October 17, 2015.  The weather is still warm during this time.  The later you go into October and into November, you run the risk of Hurricanes and additional bad weather.  If this weekend does not work with the majority, I would go to late September, and NOT into November.  Just sayin'.

02/16/15 09:46 AM #63    

Ondina Diez (Liner)

45th Reunion:  Oct 17th works for me. I cannot do November. Keep in mind that the UCI World Road Cycling Championship takes place Sept 19th through Sept 27th. 

02/16/15 01:44 PM #64    

Craig Silbert (Silbert)

Oct. 17th works for me...

02/24/15 07:11 AM #65    


Bruce Stuart

I was unable to attend 40, but hope to make 45, if there is one. Unfortunately, only the last weekend in September or first weekend in October will work. Take care, friends.

08/30/15 12:18 PM #66    

Randi Plotkin (Saunders)

Wanted to come but have a wedding to go to for a TJ alumni's daughter, Debby Dascher.  Have a great time.  Randi P. Saunders



10/16/15 08:53 AM #67    

Susan Cohen

Looking forward to tomorrow night to all planning on attending or 45th reunion!

See you there!

Susan Cohen


10/17/15 05:02 PM #68    

Rich Armstrong

I have always thought of TJ, 1970 as being my class.  I had to leave there in Sept. of 1969 for a new home in California.  Wish I could have been there to see those I grew up with.  Congrats on life.

10/18/15 02:17 PM #69    

Patricia Cruickshanks

Bruce Stuart, We had a WONDERFUL time, last night, at our 45th Reunion.  We are going to come up with a date, for the 50th, as soon as possible, so YOU can put that on your Calendar, and be there!!  :)

10/20/15 02:40 PM #70    

Steve Edmonds

Thanks to the Reunion Committee for putting on a great 45th Reunion.  Ellen and I had a blast.  It was great seeing everyone!


11/22/15 07:16 PM #71    

Rich Armstrong

Does anyone know the history on Rosie Simon or Laurie Lindeman??


11/23/15 11:02 AM #72    

Patricia Cruickshanks

Rich, Rozie Simon Walker still lives in the Richmond area.  See her Profile on this site and you can send her an email on her Profile page.

02/22/20 09:51 AM #73    


Cathy Brown (Yohai)

Your reunion committee has been diligently planning several great events  for our 50th.  We are all looking forward to seeing everyone in 2022.

04/01/22 01:13 PM #74    

Betsy Bono (Haile)

I'm sorry I won't be attending the reunion. I found out about it only recently and already had other plans. Then again, I was only at TJ 1 year and didn't grow up in the neighborhood. I still visit Richmond pretty frequently and always feel a little pang when I drive by. We certainly were lucky to get to go to school when we did. I have memories of 2 wonderful teachers and several very dear fellow students. Wishing everyone well and a splendid reunion. And yes. If you were to remember me and email me, I'd answer. 'Specially if you went throug my website. 

04/02/22 08:40 PM #75    

Julie Forb

Hats off to all for their incredible efforts planning our 50th!  Am sure it will be a huge success and am so sorry that I can't make it.  My TJ days were the BEST, and I am so grateful to have had such an incredible experience.  Will be moving into a new condo after 36 years in my house and raising three fabulous children there.  My sons are actually building my new unit, so needless to say not only am I delighted to be moving, but oh so proud of them!  Enjoy each other.  Have so much fun!  Hope all and their families are doing well!  Stay safe  and take lots of pictures!  Julie Forb

04/28/22 04:05 PM #76    

Jon Manger

I hope this finds you well and healthy.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the reunion due to concerns about the pandemic.  But, I wish everyone a great time and enjoy seeing each other and catching up.  I'll miss seeing you.  I hope we can all hook up again some day in the future.  Thanks very much to Mike and others on the committee for all their legwork.

FYI I still live in Alexandria.




04/29/22 09:46 AM #77    

James Davis (Davis)

I was hoping to make it to this reunion, but unfortunately my health is not going to allow it.  I hope everyone has a fantastic time!


04/29/22 11:16 AM #78    

Ann Day

Classmates of 1970 -  How I wish Donna and I could join you for these reunion days!  I will be there

in spirit and in memory. Have a wonderful time together!  Blessings and love to all,  Ann (B. Day)



04/30/22 03:03 PM #79    

Randy Sager

Hi to everyone.  Sorry I am not there in person--it was a challenging decision to make.  
It would have been so great to talk, in person.  I do hope, as things improve, to make it to Richmond, and perhaps, people can coordinate with me to meet up somewhere.  
I'm still working (photographer in DC area).  My easel and paints are waiting patiently for me to pick them up again--70 was supposed to be the target date, but I missed it!

Have a terrific evening with lots of laughs...,






05/01/22 01:40 PM #80    

Russell Flammia

Hi to the class of '70! Jackie (TJ '63) & I throughly enjoyed ourselves at the Westwood Club. A BIG THANK YOU to the reunion committtee for all of your time and effort. Congradulations on a job well done!

       It was so good to see and talk to so many in the class since the last reunion. It was very interesting to learn about the various life experience you all have had over the years. When you were freshemen in 1966, I too was a 'freshman' in the sense that it was my first year teaching. I had graduated from TJ in 1962, went off to college, and returned to begin a 34 year teaching career. I retired in August of 2000, only to fail at retirement and returned to TJ to tutor for another 18 years.

     Best wishes to one and all. Till we meet again,

                                                                            Russell Flammia


05/01/22 08:45 PM #81    

Virginia (Penny) Hughes (Anderson)

I trust I speak for everyone who attended part or all of this weekend's reunion events in thanking the Reunion Committee and all who helped in other ways for planning and implementing a great reunion weekend!  It was a wonderful opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with friends we may not have seen for a while and to enjoy reminiscing and catching up.  You signed up for a 1-year commitment which turned into 3, but you didn't miss a beat. You stuck with it and the rest of us are grateful for your persistence. It was a special weekend! Thank you!!   

05/07/22 03:51 PM #82    

David Feibish

Hi Class of '70,

Today (5/7/22) I posted 92 reunion pictures from the photogrpaher.  It is a slide show but can view a page of photos at a time or use arrows to scroll through more timely.  There are 4 group photos as they are slightly different and vary in pixel size if you want to print or copy.  Thank you,



05/08/22 04:20 PM #83    

Julie Forb

Thanks for all the pictures!  Everyone looks great, and I know a great time was had by all!  Uber thanks to the Reuunion Committee for their tireless time and efforts.  Maybe we can do a 55th!  Here's to happy and healthy days ahead for all and their loved ones! Julie Forb

06/03/22 10:05 PM #84    

Russell Flammia

 For details regarding the Tee Jay Cadet Corps Alumni Association contact Clyde Parsons TJ '63 at 804-270-9606.

08/08/22 12:22 PM #85    

Russell Flammia

Dear Class of 1970, 

                           Thank you so much for the generous donation to the Tee Jay Vikings Fund for the library reading fund, the athletic department, and the art department. I'm humbled and honored for the donation the class made to the scholarship fund in my name. It's especially rewarding to know that the class wants to help the current TJ students in their life's journey. The Tee Jay Vikings fund is a 501c3 charity.

                    Thank you again,

                                              Russell Flammia

                                               Tee Jay '62

                                               Board Member Tee Jay Vikings Fund

07/26/24 09:28 AM #86    

Russell Flammia

Dear fellow alumni,


Last school year, because of the generosity of our donors, the Vikings Fund provided 725 meals to students participating in extracurricular activities at a cost of $4,854. Due to the interest from staff and coaches, our goal is to double the number of meals we provide in 2024-25.


The Vikings Meal Program is a pillar of the Vikings Fund’s mission to support Thomas Jefferson High School and its students. The number of meals provided by the program has increased significantly over the last two years as the program’s visibility has increased. These meals make a significant impact due to student need, logistical challenges, and financial constraints.


You are invited to help in our effort by sending a donation to the Tee Jay Vikings Fund, PO Box 11451, Richmond, VA 23230 or you can donate at All donations received by the Vikings Fund through August 31, 2024, will be utilized for the Vikings Meal Program unless otherwise requested by the donor. The Vikings Fund is a 501(c)(3) so all donations are tax deductible. You are also invited to honor or dedicate your donation to this effort by sending us a note using the Contact TJVF feature of our webpage.


Please forward this to potential supporters, alumni, friends, and others. Thank you.



Your Tee Jay Vikings Fund Board member,  Russell Flammia

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